Understanding Bits, bytes and Binary Numbering


Digital technology relies on the silicon chip and the binary code. Data that is sent to and from digital appliances is sent in binary digits called bits. It is measured and stored in bytes.


A bit is a binary digit and can be either a 0 or a 1. Each bit can hold the answer to one simple question, using 0 for “No” and 1 for “Yes.”


A byte is made up of 8 bits and is the measurement unit used to describe the storage capacity and transfer rate of digital systems.
  • 0 or 1 = bit
  • 4 bits = 1 nibble or called half byte
  • 8 bits = 1 bytes
  • 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte
  • 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte
  • 1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte
  • 1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte
  • 1024 terabytes = 1 petabyte 
  • 1024 petabytes = 1 exabyte

Ever heard of silicon chips?

Personal computers were made possible by using silicon to make microchips.
Silicon was chosen since it’s a good semiconductor—it can keep the flow of electricity going or make it stop.
What’s inside?
A silicon chip contains millions of transistors (things that control the flow of an electric current) and other tiny electronic parts that are all connected to each other.

How is a silicon chip made?
Electronic circuit patterns are photographed onto disks of silicon, called wafers. Chemicals are used to etch the patterns into the silicon in several layers. The wiring that connects up the circuit is made in the same way.

Individual chips Wafers are tested to make sure they work. After being checked they are cut into individual chips, which are placed into protective cases.

Do you know :
Some silicon chips contain two billion transistors.

Binary code

The binary code is made up of two digits: one and zero.
The code converts images, text, and sounds into numbers in order to send information from one digital device, such as a computer, to another.

Binary numbering
Computers use binary numbers because they are easier to handle.
In binary, the digits (read from the right) are worth 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on—not units, tens, and hundreds.

In ordinary numbers, “1,001” is one unit, no tens, no hundreds, and one thousand. But in binary “1001” is one 1, no 2, no 4, and one 8, which equals 9.

What is ASCII Code?

American Standard Code for Information Interchange Pronounced ask-ee,
ASCII is the acronym for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a code for representing 128 English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127.
For example, the ASCII code for uppercase M is 77.

ASCII is a coded character set consisting of 128 7-bit characters. There are 32 control characters, 94 graphic characters, the space character, and the delete character.
LetterASCII CodeBinary
A0650100 0001
B0660100 0010
C0670100 0011
D0680100 0100
E0690100 0101
F0700100 0110
G0710100 0111
H0720100 1000
I0730100 1001
J0740100 1010
K0750100 1011
L0760100 1100
M0770100 1101
N0780100 1110
O0790100 1111
P0800101 0000
Q0810101 0001
R0820101 0010
S0830101 0011
T0840101 0100
U0850101 0101
V0860101 0110
W0870101 0111
X0880101 1000
Y0890101 1001
Z0900101 1010

ASCII Code for lower case letters :
a–o start with 0110, while p–z start with 0111.
The next four digits are the same as for upper case, so a = 0110 0001.
LetterASCII CodeBinary
a0970110 00011
b0980110 0010
c0990110 0011
d1000110 0100
e1010110 0101
f1020110 0110
g1030110 0111
h1040110 1000
i1050110 1001
j1060110 1010
k1070110 1011
l1080110 1100
m1090110 1101
n1100110 1110
o1110110 1111
p1120111 0000
q1130111 0001
r1140111 0010
s1150111 0011
t1160111 0100
u1170111 0101
v1180111 0110
w1190111 0111
x1200111 1000
y1210111 1001
z1220111 1010

Hands on ✋
Using the above code you can write out your name in binary code. Use uppercase letters for the beginning letter of your first and last name and lowercase for the remaining letters.

Difference between Binary Code and ASCII?

  1. Binary code is a general term used for a method of encoding characters or instructions, but ASCII is only one of the globally accepted conventions of encoding characters and was the most commonly used binary encoding scheme for more than three decades.
  2. Binary code can have different lengths for encoding depending on the number of characters, instructions, or the encoding method, but ASCII uses only 7 digits long binary string and 8 digits long for extended ASCII.

How do you translate words into binary?

Here's one possible set of steps we could code:
  1. Break the word into individual letters.
  2. For each letter, look up the ASCII number value mapped to the letter.
  3. For each ASCII number value, convert to a binary number.
  4. For each binary number, save the binary number value.

BONUS reading - 1 : How a motherboard works

The motherboard is the main circuit board in a computer. It connects all the main parts and passes on instructions.
  1. Keyboard communicates with motherboard via input/ output (I/O) controller
  2. I/O controller make the central processing unit (CPU) pause.
  3. Central processing unit (CPU) stops what it is doing and accesses memory (RAM) to run the keyboard driver built into the program.
  4. Keyboard driver finds out what key was pressed and what character this represents
  5. CPU tells the graphics processing unit (GPU) to put that character on the screen
  6. Monitor displays characters on screen
lets understand by the pic :-


BONUS reading - 2 : Sending numbers

Fiber-optic cables are used to transport binary numbers from one computer to another. An electric current carries the numbers as a stream of digital data.
A laser turns the current into pulses of light that are sent through the fiber-optic cable.

A cable used for telecommunications has 100 or more optical cables inside.
  1. A central steel cable protects the fibers.
  2. A polymer outer sheath keeps the fiber safe from damage.
  3. The center is made from glass or plastic.
  4. Light is reflected back into the core by glass or plastic cladding.
Inside an optical cable
  • The first signal is sent down the middle.
  • A second signal travels in a zigzag line.
  • A third signal travels by reflection but doesn’t get in the way of other signals.

Do you know :
How many ones and zeros can a fiber-optic cable carry per second?
100 billion ones and zeros per second at almost the speed of light.

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